Dustin and Danielle's Wedding at The Addison Grove in Dripping Springs, Tx

The Wedding of Dustin and Danielle Le in Dripping Springs, Tx

Why do you want to capture your wedding on video?

Everyone I know that has had their wedding filmed says the same thing "we got to see things we wouldn't have if we didn't get it filmed"
I know it will be impossible to see it all, so this is a chance to really feel like we didn't miss a moment.

Also, on a romantic and sappy note. I love watching these and am excited to watch my own because it's like having your own romantic movie trailer. We don't typically get mushy or sappy with each other, but this is that one day where people do. It's the day where you say the things you're always thinking but don't always share.
I'm excited to hear the mushy things on Dustin's brain. He better cry.

Why did you pick Me?

We picked you because my friend Sarah & Matt Maberry recommended you. Your videos are totally my style and all brought me to happy tears.

You guys.. What do you do? How do you spend your time together? What is important in life to you? 

We are weird together. lol, Dustin is the guy that loves to go out to bars and be social. I am the girl who loves to go to the movies, stay home, go to the beach, or just chill.

We love to travel and have been to NOLA, Boston, DC, and Phoenix together. We make very frequent road trips to Austin to visit his parents too.

But no matter what, my favorite thing is when we are just being weird and laughing together. Last night I was randomly making up very inappropriate rap songs and just randomly singing them in Dustin's face. His smile gives me life. It's the prettiest smile ever and fills me with warm fuzzies every time I see it. Seriously he's got a great smile. It's pretty much my goal in life to make him laugh.

I think it's his too to make me smile, but I am the funny one. He's got dad jokes for days.

The proposal... Tell me everything (all the details)

haha Ohhh the proposal. This is a better in-person story because it's fun to act out.

Dustin tried to throw me for a loop by saying that we were going to a Texas Exes dinner at El Tiempo, but when he kept missing turns and finally pulled into The Menil parking lot, he was busted.

When we pulled up to The Menil Dustin looked over at me nervously and was like "I guess you know why we are here..." I was frozen and in shock. All I could do was use hand gestures for GET OUT OF THE CAR. So we got out and Dustin walked me over to the giant red sculpture that's next to Bistro Menil. From there he says "Am I supposed to like get down on my knee? What do I do? Should I kneel?" I still cannot speak so I am making hand gestures of GET THE HELL DOWN NOW and he complies.
From there he asked the question and I said yes.

The best part...

I was wearing lipstick and went in to give Dustin a big kiss, but he DODGED ME!!! The jerk dodged me as I tried to kiss him in my response to his proposal!!! lol, This coordinates super well with our first date, which ended with a pat on the shoulder. Yeah, a shoulder pat.

From there Dustin had reservations at Seasons 52 and Tinys Milk and Cookies waiting for me at home, which he did a great job hiding earlier in the day. :)

The Addison Grove? Why this place over everywhere else?

The venue is The Addison Grove in Dripping Springs Texas. It was super important to us that our dogs be able to attend the wedding and reception and just be a part of the entire event, so we were only looking at venues that allowed this.

When we went to The Addison Grove I fell in love. It was more of a feeling than anything. It was maybe the 4th venue we looked at, but the second we were there I got butterflies. It was just the feeling that "this is it." Then we saw that they had longhorns onsite and well that was perfect for my personal longhorn. It just felt like it was us. It's laid back but elegant, bohemian yet classic, etc. It's all the things.

What experience do you want to give your guests?

We really want to be able to enjoy everything with our guests. We have a lot of people coming in from out of state, so it's important to us that we get to actually visit with them and make them feel a part of the whole celebration. We want it to feel like one big family. Dustin would say he wants people to get drunk and have a blast lol